UCAC Goals and Objectives 2004-2005


  • Review and make recommendations to the CDC regarding the collection, preservation, and use of official UC administrative records and material documenting the history of the University.
  • Review pertinent UC policies referred from the UC Records Management Committee and recommend changes to those policies as necessary.
  • Coordinate strategies for the collection, access to, and preservation of electronic resources documenting the history of UC.
  • Serve as a discussion group among the members on UC archival issues and innovations.
  • Communicate with other groups inside or outside of the University of California that might solicit input from the UCAC.
  • Consult with UC Preservation Advisory Group on best practices and issues relating to the preservation of archival material.
  • Continue to improve the professional lives of archives staff, by working to institute work roles and classifications that are respective of the work required for the University Archives. (Possible objective)

Objectives for 2004-2005

1. Review appropriate work product of the UC Records Management Committee.

2. Continue to monitor the workflow of dissertations and thesis on the campuses and work with graduate programs to ensure a compliant and cost efficient process that will ensure the ultimate preservation of these documents.

3. Support the work of the UC History Digital Archives.

4. Provide knowledge of UC Archives mandates and practices for the benefit of the University Library, including the California Digital Library.

5. Gather twice a year to share projects, practices, problems and solutions relating to the University Archives.

6. Update UCAC website to reflect current reporting structure.

7. Publish meeting minutes to the website in a timely manner.