UCLAS-integrated SILS Structure

Dear Colleagues,

After more than four years of collaborative work on the SILS project, and a successful launch of UC Library Search in July, it is now time to look at the ongoing SILS operational management. SILS Project Phase 4 is going to conclude on December 23, 2021, and a new University of California Libraries Advisory Structure (UCLAS) – integrated SILS structure will start operating on January 03, 2022. You can read everything about this upcoming operational structure, the SILS work practices and the charges of all its teams and subteams on the UC Libraries website.

On Tuesday, September 21 from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m., you’re invited to join us for a town hall event centered around the new SILS structure. Along with an overview of the UCLAS-integrated SILS structure, you will learn more about the University of California Libraries Advisory Structure, and about the upcoming SILS Operations Center at CDL, and get a brief introduction to the work of the SILS Transition Task Force.

Please take a moment to read the announcement sent by President Drake celebrating the launch of UC Library Search, and the excellent article published by the Office of the President on UCNet outlining the benefits of this new platform and praising the exemplary cross-campus collaborative work.

You may explore the SILS Confluence wiki for more information about this project. If you have any questions or comments, please contact AskSILS-L@listserv.ucop.edu.


Ben Alkaly & Adrian Petrisor
SILS Communication Operation Leads