CAG Overdue Fines


  • Fines vary depending on the unit and the type of materials, e.g. course reserve material, recalled items, etc.


  • No fines, except for reserves and recalled items; reserve items $2/day up to $40; recall-billed items $2/day up to $50.


  • Overdue recalled items, $1 per day, max. $20. Overdue reserve items, $2 per hour for the first 10 hours, $5 per hour after that, max. $50.

Los Angeles

  • No fines for non-recalled and non-reserve late returned items. Recalls are $2 for first day overdue and $1 for each additional day to a maximum of $20. Reserves are $5 for first hour overdue and $1 for each additional hour to a maximum of $30.


  • Fees
  • Lost items are billed at the replacement cost or $100 (whichever is larger) plus $25 for processing
  • If you return a lost item before the replacement is ordered, the replacement cost will be canceled ($25 processing fee will still apply)
  • Charges outstanding more than 30 days may be referred to a collection agency
  • Outstanding charges may result in blocked registration for classes and/or blocked access to transcripts


San Diego

  • Service Charge – $7 for overdue; $7 if replacement billed.

San Francisco

  • Patron record blocked at 1-day after due date (for non-UCSF) and 4-days after due date (for UCSF), but replacement bills are generated at 30-day mark with minimum of $90.00 (includes billing fees). Reduced to $20 billing fee if item is returned after 30 days.

Santa Barbara

No fines for regular overdue items. Recalls are $1/day; Rush Recalls are $2.50/day. Reserve items are $2/hr. and double during Dead Week and Finals.

Santa Cruz

  • No fines for non-reserve items. $25 max. for reserves.

Northern Regional Library Facility

Southern Regional Library Facility

  • No fines for non-recalled and non-reserve late returned items. Recalls are $2 for first day overdue and $1 for each additional day to a maximum of $20. Reserves are $5 for first hour overdue and $1 for each additional hour to a maximum of $30.