Heads of Special Collections — 2004-2005 Goals and Objectives

  1. Shared Interests: Communicate and work collaboratively with other UC groups such as UCAC, PAG, and OAC committees, as well as national groups/organizations such as ARL and RBMS, on issues of common interest.
  2. Shared Collections: Submit report of Task Force on ILL issues.
  3. Access Issues
    A. Explore ways to reduce processing backlogs through collaboration with ARL on Hidden Collections initiatives and/or UC-based initiatives.
    B. Continue to work with OAC on collaborative projects such as Cal Cultures and submit guides/images to OAC.
  4. Web site: Maintain and expand content of HOSC web site.
  5. Planning: Meet regularly (in person or otherwise) to discuss UC-wide Special Collections issues, as addressed in the HOSC Charge and Statement of Purpose, and explore ways to address them.