Heads of Special Collections – 2005-2006 Goals and Objectives

  1. Communicate and work collaboratively with other UC groups such as UCAC, PAG, and OAC committees, as well as national groups/organizations such as ARL and RBMS, on issues of common interest.
  2. Implement and monitor policies and procedures outlined in the UC Interlibrary Loan of Special Collections Materials Report.
  3. Work with CDL on digitizing projects that might involve special collections materials.
  4. Continue to work with OAC on collaborative projects such as Cal Cultures and submit guides/images to OAC.
  5. Explore ways to reduce processing backlogs, beginning with a survey akin to that taken by ARL, to determine similarities of materials and possible funding sources such as NEH.
  6. Develop a grant proposal to IMLS (for the next grant cycle, due 15 December 2005) to seek funding for a post-MLS fellowship program within the University of California, for the training of rare books/ special collections librarians.
  7. Maintain and expand content of HOSC web site.
  8. Continue to meet regularly (in person or otherwise) to discuss UC-wide Special Collections issues, as addressed in the HOSC Charge and Statement of Purpose, and explore ways to address them. Next proposed meeting at Oakland, Nov. 2005.