Submitted 9/30/04 by David C. Tambo (HOSC Chair 2004-2006 and Head of Special Collections, UCSB)
- The group convened twice during the year, on Dec. 15, 2003 (in person) and May 24, 2004 (conference call). Issues discussed included security (online breach at Bancroft and insurance valuations), ARL Hidden Collections Conference (making unprocessed collections accessible), electronic theses and dissertations, coping with budget cuts, OAC/Cal Cultures updates, SOPAG Digital Visual Resources Task Force, and lending of Special Collections materials.(researcher requests and exhibitions).
- The HOSC website and email reflector were updated. The website contains the group’s charge, statement of purpose, and member information
- Several UC Special Collections submitted information to the ARL Hidden Collections survey and attended the conference in Washington, D.C. HOSC is monitoring outcomes of the conference and is discussing ways to cooperate at the national level, as well as within UC. Processing backlogs at UC campuses vary significantly in nature (formats and subject matter), as well as size. Significant resources are required to reduce backlogs in any substantial way.
- HOSC members shared policy and procedural information on a variety of issues including security measures, lending and copying of materials, forms, fees, participation in OAC initiatives, and access to unprocessed and partially processed collections.
2004-2005 Goals and Objectives:
- Shared Interests: Communicate and work collaboratively with other UC groups such as UCAC, PAG, and OAC committees, as well as national groups/organizations such as ARL and RBMS, on issues of common interest.
- Shared Collections: Submit report of Task Force on ILL issues.
- Access Issues
A. Explore ways to reduce processing backlogs through collaboration with ARL on Hidden Collections initiatives and/or UC-based initiatives.
B. Continue to work with OAC on collaborative projects such as Cal Cultures and submit guides/images to OAC. - Web site: Maintain and expand content of HOSC web site.
- Planning: Meet regularly (in person or otherwise) to discuss UC-wide Special Collections issues, as addressed in the HOSC Charge and Statement of Purpose, and explore ways to address them.