SILS News – Feb. 27, 2019

Date: Feb. 27, 2019
Title: We’re almost halfway through phase 3 of the SILS project!

We’re almost halfway through phase 3 of the systemwide ILS (SILS) project! Below please find a few updates about work happening right now.
Remaining phase 3 activities
The expertise groups and Chairs Plus Group are finalizing the SILS requirements before they go to the SILS Working Group, Direction & Oversight Committee (DOC), and the Council of University Librarians (CoUL) for review. The SILS working group is also preparing a mid-phase progress report for CoUL. Remaining activities in phase 3 include:

  • Finalize the RFP and make public (April – June 2019)
  • Receive supplier responses, conduct demonstrations, and evaluate vendor proposals (July – August 2019)
  • Issue report and recommendation(s) to UC Libraries leadership (October 2019)
  • Make final decision as to whether to proceed with the apparent successful proposal (by December 2019)

The expertise groups will score vendor responses to UC’s RFP. For specialized areas, including accessibility and security, UC subject matter experts will score along with selected expertise group members. While the details still need to be finalized, the working group plans to make the vendor demos as open as possible to library employees. Stay tuned for more information! 
New working group members
The SILS working group is happy to announce two new additions to the roster! Judy Consales, the associate university librarian for user engagement at UCLA, joined the SILS working group in December, and Caitlin Nelson, chair of the SILS Chairs Plus Group and product manager at CDL, joined in February. Welcome, Judy and Caitlin, and thank you both for your service on the SILS project!
New SILS task force
A new SILS group has also been formed: the SILS Cost Sharing Task Force. In consultation with CoUL and the SILS working group, the task force will propose potential cost sharing models for allocating ongoing SILS costs. The task force is chaired by University Librarian Erik Mitchell. The task force’s charge is available on the SILS webpage.
Thank you for your support of the SILS project! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact your campus liaison or directly.

The SILS Working Group

Chris Shaffer, University Librarian & Assistant Vice Chancellor, UC San Francisco (Co-Chair)
Günter Waibel, Executive Director & Associate Vice Provost, California Digital Library (Co-Chair)
Donald Barclay, Deputy University Librarian, UC Merced
Christine Barone, Collections Project Coordinator, Southern Regional Library Facility (Project Co-Manager)
John Bono, Associate University Librarian, UC Santa Cruz
Peter Brantley, Director of Online Strategy, UC Davis
Judy Consales, Associate University Librarian for User Engagement, UCLA
Lynne Grigsby, Head of Library IT, UC Berkeley
Cathy Martyniak, Director, Southern Regional Library Facility
Erik Mitchell, Audrey Geisel University Librarian, UC San Diego
Caitlin Nelson, Product Manager, California Digital Library
Aislinn Sotelo, Program Director for Metadata Services, UC San Diego
Danielle Westbrook, Systemwide Library Planning Analyst, California Digital Library (Communications Manager)
Lena Zentall, Project & Product Manager, California Digital Library (Project Co-Manager)

SILS mission: Transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration
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