Follow-Up to Ex Libris Analytics Workshop

Dear colleagues,

Many thanks to those of you who recently attended the Ex Libris workshop on analytics. While analytics is fresh in everyone’s mind, we want to acknowledge that analytics presents opportunities for local and systemwide transformation. We would like to share with you what we are doing now and the current thoughts for moving forward from a SILS perspective:

  • The recordings from the analytics workshop are now available to library staff and may not be shared outside of UC Libraries.
  • The Implementation Coordinators have approved changing certain Network Zone (NZ) analytics settings to make more data about e-resources visible to staff in the Alma Institution Zones (IZs).
  • A new role within the SILS functional groups, called the Analytics Point Person (APP), has been created to facilitate communication about analytics between campus staff, the functional groups, and among the SILS cohort. If you have any questions related to analytics or report creation, please feel free to reach out to the members listed on the above page.
  • #sils-analytics channel has been created in the uc-sils Slack workspace which is the primary channel for SILS Operations Center staff and the APPs, and which is open to anyone else in the cohort as well.
  • SILS Operations staff have begun testing proof-of-concept reports for shared statistical reporting, such as the annual UCOP stats. The aim is to create shared reports or shared templates, to improve the ease of annual reporting. 
  • Policy & Practice Coordinators Group (PPC) has been in conversation with SILS Steering about analytics. PPC will document recommendations and feedback from these conversations to share with the new UCLAS-integrated SILS governance and operations structure, which will launch in January 2022. 

Much of the analytics work campuses need to do can be performed in their Alma IZ; we want to remind you of  the decision page addressing how to request the creation of NZ analytics reports from CDL should you need to do so. In addition, there is a UC Alma/Primo group ( where you can post questions of all kinds and to share information with UC colleagues, including those related to analytics. To join the group, use this link: and click on the blue “Join Group” button.

We look forward to growing this area of expertise with you! If you have any questions or comments, please contact


Ben Alkaly and Adrian Petrisor

Communication Operation Leads