SOPAG Policies on Web Presence and ACG Task Forces and Common Interest Groups

 July 19, 2002

To:  All Campus Groups

From:  John W. Tanno
Chair, SOPAG

RE:  SOPAG Policies on Web Presence and ACG Task Forces and Common Interest Groups

At its May 9th meeting, SOPAG discussed the need for a more uniform practice with regard to establishing and maintaining a Web presence for SOPAG and the various groups and task forces under the University Librarian’s Advisory Structure.  It also discussed the need for a policy regarding the appointment of task forces by the ACGs and the posting of information regarding the charge, membership, reports, and activities of those task groups.   To that end, the following policies have been established:

SOPAG Policy on Web Presence

SOPAG and the various groups and task forces under the University Librarians’ Advisory Structure will have a web presence on SOPAG’s website, where the charge, membership, minutes, and final reports will be included.  Status reports and updates on the activities of the various groups and progress on the implementation of approved recommendations should be dated and also added to the website.  Links should also be maintained from the SOPAG website to the appropriate CDL webpages listing CDL groups and vice versa.

SOPAG Policy on the Appointment of All Campus Group Task Forces

When an All Campus Group (ACG) appoints a task force or study group, the charge and the names of potential members should be sent to SOPAG for review and approval.  The same policy should be used for initial and replacement appointments to the task forces.

1. Representative Task Force.  If the task force is made up of one member from each campus, the name of the candidate for each campus is sent to the campus SOPAG member for approval.

2. Non-representative Task Force.  If the task force is formed on the basis of the candidates’ expertise and/or experience, the slate of names including their areas of expertise should be sent to SOPAG for review and approval.

3. Once the task force is appointed, its name, membership, charge, minutes, and reports should be included under the ACG Website, with links from the SOPAG website.

SOPAG Policy on the Appointment of Common Interest Groups

Common Interest Groups (CIG) may be appointed by SOPAG or an All Campus Group.   When  an ACG proposes the appointment of  a CIG, the proposal should be sent to SOPAG for review and approval.  Proposed campus members of a CIG should be cleared with the campus SOPAG member before sending the proposal forward to SOPAG.