UCPP 1994/95 Annual Report

      University of California Preservation Program 
                  Robert Alan (Davis)
                 Charlotte Brown (LAUC)
               Christopher Coleman (UCLA)
                Sheryl Davis (Riverside)
                 David Farrell (UCCDC)
                Maralyn Jones (Berkeley)
                Eric MacDonald (Irvine)
            Rosemary Meszaros (Santa Barbara)
             Karen Mokrzycki (Santa Cruz)
            Barclay Ogden (Director, UCPP)
           Cameron Olen (Admin. Asst., UCPP)
                Julie Page (San Diego)
             Paul Wakeford (San Francisco)

The UCPP shifted its reporting line in July 1994 to the UC Collection 
Development Committee. The UCPP Director attended UCCDC meetings to report 
on activities of the UCPP and to serve as liaison from the UCPP. 

Library Binding

Following completion of an internal review of library binding services, UCPP 
members participated in an external review by O'Neil and Associates, Business 
Review of the University of California Library Binderies, Final Report 
February 1995. As a consequence of this review, UCCDC, with UCPP input, 
recommended the creation of two task forces to undertake work in FY 95/96, 
one on binding policy and another on process improvements, to address
the findings of the report. 

Efforts were made to address the problem of double keying of titling 
information (into both accession system and the binding system), by trying 
to establish an interface development project between Innovative Interfaces, 
Inc. and Flesher Corp. (developer of the spine titling software). Innovative 
Interfaces definitely was not interested in pursuing the project; Flesher 
is, but recently lost their key programmer and have dedicated completely 
remaining resources to further development of the spine titling software. 
With the completion of that project (anticipated to be the end of 1995), 
Flesher has agreed to address the development of the interface. 

The UCPP Director served as Chair of a NISO committee to develop a 
performance-based standard for library binding. Testing is underway of 
library binding manufactured according to the current industry standards 
(based on specification of materials and methods rather than performance) 
in order to set benchmarks for performance standards. The testing program 
will be completed early in FY 95/96.  

The UCPP Director advised a Library of Congress-sponsored project to develop 
a methodology to determine the long-term performance of library binding 
adhesives. Progress is being made; completion probably will require at least
another year. 

Digital Library Services 

In response to an observation of members of UCPP and UCCDC that fundamental 
knowledge is needed by all UC campuses in the use of digital capture 
technologies for access and preservation, the UCPP began planning a training
event for curators and managers of scanning projects. Ann Swartzell attended 
the Cornell workshop on scanning fundamentals in June, and will take primary 
responsibility for development and coordination of the UC event to be held in 
Spring 96. 

The UCPP Director chaired a task force to develop specifications for file formats
for imaging photographic materials. The final report Example Decisions on Digital 
Image Formats is available at http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/Imaging/formats.html.

The UCPP/DLA joint project on digital photocopying made considerable progress in 
establishing guidelines for image capture (600 dpi binary from printed bitonal 
text and graphics) and document navigation (by developing a draft SGML DTD for 
printed books), but has been frustrated in attempts to find a system capable of 
meeting image capture, production speed, and file output specifications. Work 
continues, primarily with Xerox Corp, whose Documents on Demand system most 
nearly meets Project specs, to develop a file export function that would enable 
scanned images to be tagged, searched, and navigated in the SGML environment. 

Disaster Preparedness 

All campuses reviewed their disaster preparedness and response plans. Salvage 
procedures for magnetic media have been included in many of the plans. 

Education and Training

Two projects were undertaken at Berkeley on behalf of the UCPP during the year: 
the "California and Hawaii Collections Conservation Training Project" won NEH 
support to extend a training model developed for training UC conservation 
technicians to other libraries in California and Hawaii. Seven institutions 
sent one or more technicians for training, in short segments spread over 
several months, in a wide range of treatments appropriate for repair and 
conservation of circulating collections. A follow up review of the impact of 
the project will be conducted in FY 95/96. 

The second project, funded by LSCA through the California State Library, enabled 
three mid-career librarians in California libraries and archives to receive 
training in preservation administration in order to broaden the infrastructure 
of preservation expertise in California. Several workshops on disaster preparedness 
and preservation planning will be offered to a target audience of libraries and 
archives in areas of California currently without preservation expertise.

Preservation Production

As has been the case during every year of the UCPP, most of the funding has been 
allocated to preservation of UC collections. More than 350,000 page equivalents 
of library materials were preserved for a total of $146,472. A total of $57,726 
of production funds allocated to campuses has been carried forward from earlier years. 

Production (all campuses): 

	Type		# titles	# vols		#pages		$ cost
       reprint		  10		  18	        4,660		$ 4,140
       microform	  37		 840	      111,975		 43,570
      photocopy          264             341	      118,094	         46,194
      microfilming       402             579           88,623            23,463
      conservation       330             526           36,100            25,605     
      other (supplies)                                                    3,500
      TOTAL            1,043           2,304          359,452           146,472   

UC Preservation Program Financial Statement, FY 1994-95 

      Component        Budget Request    Alloc.     Exp./Liens          Balance
 1. Lib Binding
     Staffing		 6534            6,480	     6,534		(54)
     Travel               600	 	   546		0		546

 2. Press. Tech		
     Staffing		6,534		 6,481	      6,534		(53)
     Travel             1,600            1,557        1,557             162              
 3. Bib. Control
     Staffing		3,267		 2,972	      3,267		(295)

 4. Prog. Mgmt.
     Staffing		4,791            4,662	      4,791		(129)
			  250		   243	        420		(177)
 5. Pres. Replacement and Conservation Treatment
      Berkeley		45,939		44,701	      44,701		0
      Davis		10,000		 9,731	       9,731		0
      Irvine		10,000		 9,731	       9,731		0
      Los Angeles	42,405		41,262        41,262		0
      Riverside		10,000		 9,731	       9,731		0
      San Diego		10,000		 9,731         9,731		0
      San Francisco	10,000		 9,731         9,731		0
      Santa Barbara	10,000		 9,731         9,731		0
      Santa Cruz	10,000		 9,731	       9,731		0

 TOTAL		       181,920		177,018	      177,018           0                                



Author: Rosemary Meszaros
Last modified: September 22, 1997

Last reviewed: March 4, 2004