UCPP 1995/96 Annual Report

1995/96 Annual Report University of California Preservation Program


Robert Alan (Davis)
Charlotte Brown (LAUC)
Christopher Coleman (UCLA)
Sheryl Davis (Riverside)
David Farrell (UCCDC)
Maralyn Jones (Berkeley)
Eric MacDonald (Irvine)
Rosemary Meszaros (Santa Barbara)
Karen Mokrzycki (Santa Cruz)
Barclay Ogden (Director, UCPP)
Cameron Olen (Admin. Asst., UCPP)
Julie Page (San Diego)
Paul Wakeford (San Francisco)


The UCPP focussed its resources in the past year on continued production, collaboration with the UC Binderies to improve communication and services, and training for UC staff in digital imaging of documents. The UCPP Director attended UCCDC meetings to report on activities of and to serve as liaison from the UCPP.

Library Binding

Following completion of internal and external reviews of library binding services, under direction of the UCCDC Lynn Jones (Berkeley) represented the UCPP by chairing two task forces, the first on binding policy. The UC Binding Policy Task Force completed its charge in April 96 with a draft policy statement submitted to UCCDC for review and approval. The policy captured three key objectives of the Task Force:

  • Formal representation of successful existing UC binding practices;
  • Greater economies of scale through greater standardization of practices; and
  • Optimization of workflow through improved communication between libraries and binderies.

Assuming adoption of the draft UC Binding Policy a second task force, the Binding Process Improvement Task Force, began work to identify the products and services of the UC Binderies with the greatest potential for improved workflow and economy. The final report of the Binding Process Improvement Task Force is anticipated in Fall 96.

The UCPP Director continued to serve as Chair of a NISO ctte to develop a performance-based standard for library binding. Testing of library bindings manufactured according to the current industry standards (based on specification of materials and methods rather than performance) has been completed in order to set benchmarks for performance standards. A joint NISO/Library Binding Institute standard is in draft; the work of the NISO ctte. should be completed by the end of FY 96/97.

The UCPP Director continued to advise a Library of Congress-sponsored project to develop a methodology to determine the long-term performance of library binding adhesives. The importance of the work to research libraries is significant; adhesives selected to match the service needs for library binding economize on the initial cost of binding as well as avoid rebinding of volumes whose bindings would fail before the information is no longer needed. The Preservation Science Council of the Commission on Preservation and Access has endorsed the project and in Fall 96 will raise funds to add to the support of LC. The project plan of work has been developed and sample sets made; currently, arrangements are being negotiated for commercial oven-aging services. The project is expected to require another 18 months to complete.

Preservation Technologies

In response to an observation of members of UCPP and UCCDC that fundamental knowledge is needed by all UC campuses in the use of digital capture technologies for access and preservation, the UCPP conducted a training event for curators and managers of scanning projects. Ann Swartzell (Berkeley) planned the workshop and served as primary instructor. The workshop was held in June 96 and attended by nineteen staff from all UC campuses and Stanford (list of attendees attached). “The Use of Digital Imaging Technology in Research Libraries,” included lectures on systems, capture, equipment, image editing, production software, and access/control/navigation. Four separate scanning systems were installed by vendors for workshop participants to use to compare and contrast options currently available. The final day of the workshop was devoted to selection for digitization and was attended by workshop attendees plus collection development librarians from several campuses. From the discussion came a draft list of selection criteria for digitization; the list will be further refined and submitted to UCCDC for review and possible adoption for use in selecting collections of paper-based materials for conversion to digital format.

The UCPP/DLA joint project on digital photocopying continued to make progress, though the goals of the project have changed to substitute online access for paper access for primary use. Guidelines for image capture have been set (600 dpi binary from printed bitonal text and graphics), and metadata for document navigation have been developed and tested (an SGML DTD for printed books). The XDOD system is much improved in its current version which newly has an export function. Guidelines for processing have been developed, but only a couple books have been processed thus far, not enough to reveal bugs in the system or get good estimates of costs. Plans have been made to process an additional dozen or so books to gain more experience and improve estimates of labor costs in particular.

Statewide Education and Training

The LSCA program through the California State Library funded the second and final year of a project to train five mid-career librarians from California libraries and archives in preservation administration. The opportunity has been used to broaden the infrastructure of preservation expertise in California and to offer several workshops on disaster preparedness and preservation planning targetted to audiences of libraries and archives in areas of California currently without preservation expertise.

Preservation Production

As has been the case during every year of the UCPP, most of the funding has been allocated to preservation of UC collections. More than 437,000 page equivalents of library materials were preserved for a total of $125,212, not including UCLA figures which were not available for this report. A total of $55,296 of production funds allocated to campuses has been carried forward from earlier years.

Production (all campuses except UCLA):


Type # titles # vols. # pages $ cost
commercial reprint 2 11 2,819 4,010
commercial microform 13 476 255,660 12,318
photocopy 100 100 29,875 45,478
microfilming 11 86 112,349 19,468
other (repl)     13,653pcs 37,443
conservation 14 92 22,800 5,422
digital workshop       1,073
Total 139 765 437,156 125,212

UC Preservation Program Financial Statement, FY 1995-96


Component Budget Request Alloc. Exp./Liens Balance
1. Lib. Binding
  Staffing 6,534 6,534 6,534 0
  Travel 1,800 1,800 1,912 (112)
2. Pres. Tech.
  Staffing 9,801 9,801 9,801 0
  Travel 1,600 1,600 1,488 112
  Digital Wkshp. 6,766 6,766 6,766 0
3. Prog. Mgmt.
  Staffing 4,791 4,791 4,791 0
  Phone/copy/post. 250 250 250 0
5. Pres. Replacement and Conservation Treatment
    Berkeley 39,248 39,248 39,248 0
    Davis 10,000 10,000 10,000 0
    Irvine 10,000 10,000 10,000 0
    Los Angeles 36,228 36,228 36,228 0
    Riverside 10,000 10,000 10,000 0
    San Diego 10,000 10,000 10,000 0
    San Francisco 10,000 10,000 10,000 0
    Santa Barbara 10,000 10,000 10,000 0
    Santa Cruz 10,000 10,000 10,000 0
Total 177,018 177,018 177,018 0



Author: Rosemary Meszaros
Last modified: October 13, 1998

Last reviewed: March 4, 2004