eBook Usability Criteria and Case Study Report

In light of the global coronavirus pandemic, campus closures and significant disruption to teaching, learning, and research, our UC campuses have moved to e-format resources purchasing to allow our researchers quick access to the needed materials. Because print collections at … Read more

UC-Elsevier Negotiations: Information & Status Updates

UC-Elsevier Negotiations: Information & Status Updates For important news about UC’s negotiation with Elsevier, and what it means for you, please check out our information page: https://osc.universityofcalifornia.edu/open-access-at-uc/publisher-negotiations/uc-and-elsevier/ To unsubscribe from the UCLIB-UPDATE-L list, click the following link: https://listserv.ucop.edu/cgi-bin/wa.exe?SUBED1=UCLIB-UPDATE-L&A=1