SLFB Documents

The SLFs* operate using the policies, procedures, and practices detailed in these documents, which have been developed since the early 1980s, to reflect the evolving environment of the UC libraries. SLF collections participate in broader regional and national shared print strategies (WEST journal archives and HathiTrust shared print monographs, for example) and policies, procedures and practices are assessed as necessary to determine whether or not they need to changed.

*Please note: Previously, the SLFs were referred to as the “Regional” Library Facilities; this nomenclature change was implemented in March 2025, to reflect the UC Libraries and UCOP decision to begin managing these facilities at the systemwide level. Documents and reports produced before March 2025 retain the “Regional”/RLF naming convention, which is preserved on this page; the “Systemwide”/SLF nomenclature will be used for new and updated documents going forward.

For the SLFB’s reflections on the role of the SLFs in systemwide success, please see the 2023 visioning document, The Regional Library Facilities (RLFs): Essential to core UC shared services & emerging innovations [PDF].

SLFB/SLF Goals and Priorities

Starting in 2023, the board formalized long-range goals, mid-range goals and annual priorities to support SLF strategic management and planning, and ensure operational goals optimally advance the ambitions of UC faculty, students, research and clinicians, systemwide.

SLFB and SLF planning documents

Additional SLFB and SLF documentation

Document owner: Danielle Westbrook