UC Library Search connects the libraries on all 10 University of California campuses through a unified discovery and borrowing system.
UC Library Search features the following enhancements:
- Search your home campus library collection as well as the collections of all 10 UC libraries in the same system;
- Locate the full text of millions of print and online books, journal articles, and other content
- Borrow and renew materials from any library in the UC system without retyping your library card number
The enhanced features of UC Library Search will replace Melvyl as the UC-wide library catalog search tool. As a single, unified system, UC Library Search offers powerful tools to help the UC Libraries make data-informed decisions around collections development and new services for library users.
UC Library Search is now live! See it on each campus:
- UC Berkeley
- UC Davis
- UC Irvine
- UC Merced
- UC Riverside
- UC San Diego
- UC San Francisco
- UC Santa Barbara
- UC Santa Cruz
Recent News
Before and After
I want to… | Before launch use… | After launch use… |
Find local campus library resources in all formats (print & electronic) | My campus catalog or discovery tool | UC Library Search |
Find resources at all UC libraries in all formats (print & electronic) | Melvyl | UC Library Search |
Find resources outside UC libraries in all formats | Melvyl | UC Library Search – Worldcat |
Link to the full text of articles or ebooks from library databases or Google Scholar | UC-eLinks![]() | Get it at UC![]() |
May 2021: How do I prepare for Melvyl’s Retirement?
UC Library Search will replace Melvyl and your local catalog on July 27, 2021. What do I need to do to prepare for this change?
How will we learn how to use UC Library Search?
UC Library Search is user-friendly but your librarians will make training materials available after July 27, 2021. You can also contact your local subject or teaching librarian to inquire about teaching an orientation to UC Library Search during your class time.
What will happen to my library account? Do I need to do anything? Do I need to turn books back in?
No. Melvyl accounts will become UC Library Search accounts. You do not need to take any action, unless you have saved lists, saved searches, or bookmarks to Melvyl records.
I have personal saved lists saved in Melvyl. What should I do to keep them?
Melvyl saved lists will not be moved to UC Library Search. Before July 27, log in to Melvyl by clicking “Sign In.” Enter your username and password. Click on your account name, and select “My Personal Lists” from the drop-down menu. From there you can access your saved lists. You can email your lists to yourself, or you can click on the “Cite” button and export them into citation management software. Check your library’s web page for information about citation management software or for the link to 24/7 chat reference assistance.
What do I do with my saved searches?
Melvyl saved searches will not be moved to UC Library Search. Before July 27, log in to Melvyl by clicking “Sign In.” Enter your username and password. Click on the “Saved Searches” link in the gray menu bar. Before July 27 you should make a note of your search terms if you wish to reproduce them in UC Library Search.
What do I do about links or bookmarks to Melvyl records?
Melvyl links will not redirect to UC Library Search. If you have links to Melvyl records, either in your browser bookmarks, Learning Management System, or elsewhere, you can log in to Melvyl and save them to a list, which you can then email to yourself or export into citation management software.
For more information, please contact us.
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