HOPS Goals 2002-2005

In the Spring of 2002, the UC Heads of Public Services began discussion of its Goals for 2002-2005. HOPS meets twice a year, and carries on discussions via email and conference calls in addition to its regular meetings. HOPS serves as an advisory group to SOPAG and to the ULs, and serves as a peer networking group for Heads of Public Services in the UC Libraries to discuss major public service issues.

HOPS sees its role as a forum for in-depth discussions of major public services issues affecting the UC libraries and its role as an agent for advancing the understanding of, and progress on those issues.

Following are some of the key issues that HOPS would like to address during the period 2002-2005. The ULs, SOPAG, and HOPS may add or revise these annually this list to reflect a dynamic approach to the challenges of public services in the UC Libraries.

  • Advance diverse new methods of delivering services to expand on the foundation of our existing services through such avenues as digital reference service, Web services directed toward PDA users, and integration of Web-based collobration and learning environments with the libraries’ electronic tools.
  • Advance the incorporation of information literacy into the UC curriculum for lower and upper division undergraduates and graduate students, through collaboration with other groups and through emphasis on information literacy as a vital component of critical thinking skills.
  • Advance the need to embrace service quality research methods and assessmen
  • Advance the incorporation of information literacy into the UC curriculum for lower and upper division undergraduates and graduate students, through collaboration with other groups and through emphasis on information literacy as a vital component of critical thinking skills.t across the UC libraries.
  • Advance awareness of the need for, and support progress toward, more robust remote access to library resources across the UC system.
  • Advance awareness of the need to embrace Web technology more widely in the promotion of public services by, for example, collaborating with the Resource Sharing Committee and our campus communities to support expanded desktop document delivery services and by monitoring UC-wide access integration developments.

Document owner: Donald A. Barclay