Resource Sharing Committee (RSC)

Years active: 1999-2012

NOTE: Beginning July 2013, the University of California Libraries launched a revised advisory structure. The groups within the previous structure are no longer active, including this group. See UC Libraries Advisory Structure (UCLAS) for information about the current structure.

Group Description

  • Advises SOPAG on resource sharing issues.
  • Identifies and analyzes resource sharing innovations, strategies and trends.  
  • Identifies and discusses policy issues and recommends best practices that facilitate resource sharing among campuses.
  • Identifies and analyzes barriers to expeditious sharing of materials and recommends solutions to remove these barriers.
  • Coordinates system-wide activities relating to interlibrary loan, circulation, and reserves with the California Digital Library (CDL) and RSC’s Interlibrary Loan Advisory Group (IAG) and Circulation Advisory Group (CAG – which includes reserves) and other groups as needed.
  • Coordinates communication on UC resource sharing issues with interlibrary services, circulation, collection development, special collections, technical services, and other groups as appropriate.
  • Identifies and addresses educational and training needs of resource sharing staff across the UC libraries.
  • Coordinates collection, organization of and system-wide reporting of UC ILL/Resource Sharing statistics.


Comprised of one representative from each campus library system appointed by the University Librarian, one representative from the California Digital Library (CDL), one representative from each of the regional library facilities, and one representative from Librarians’ Association of the University of California (LAUC).

Key Documents

Annual Reports and Goals

See also the reports from IAG and CAG.



Roster at Time of Disbandment

UC Berkeley

Patrick Shannon
Head of Interlibrary Services

UC Davis

Jason Newborn
Interlibrary Loans Supervisor

UC Irvine

Kristine Ferry
Head, Access Services

UC Los Angeles

Bob Freel
Biomedical Library
Head, Access Delivery Services

UC Merced

Robin Milford
Access Services Librarian

UC Riverside

Vincent Novoa
Head, Access Services

UC San Diego

Kari Lucas
Head of Access Services

UC San Francisco

Andy Panando

Supervisor, Interlibrary & Information Services

UC Santa Barbara

Claudia Jimenez
Head of Access Services

UC Santa Cruz

Sarah Troy, Chair
Head, User Services & Resource Sharing

California Digital Library

Leslie Wolf
Program Manager


Scott Miller
Operations Manager


Colleen Carlton
Director, SRLF