Common Knowledge Groups

The UCSF wiki spaces are available again for UC users only. You will need to be authenticated on your campuses' VPN in order to access.

Guidelines for Common Knowledge Groups (Rev. April 2022) [PDF]
CKG Administriva (Rev. March 2018) [PDF]
UCLAS Project Proposal Template (Jan 2017) [Word]
Decision Making Rubric for UC Libraries Projects (Jan 2017) [XLS]
Decision Making Rubric for UC Libraries – Tips (Jan 2017) [PDF]

CKG Chairs (google sheet)

Questions about CKGs? Contact DOC’s CKG Liaison listserv at


Common Knowledge Groups (CKGs) are standing groups of experts or pioneers in areas of interest to the University of California Libraries (UCL). The intention of CKGs is to foster innovation and continuous improvement by providing a venue for staff across campuses and from various levels to exchange ideas and collaborate on systemwide initiatives. Although CKGs may communicate with groups in the UCL Advisory Structure, they are not intended to make systemwide policy decisions, manage projects or project teams, or oversee ongoing services. CKGs are proposed by UC Libraries’ staff who identify an issue, topic, subject, or content format that would benefit from the creation of a cross-­‐campus community. The Direction and Oversight Committee (DOC) provides broad oversight for the CKGs and their registration process.

Key Expectations

  1. Maintain an email list for use by the CKG open to all interested UC Libraries staff.
  2. Post and maintain a historical record of meeting minutes and reports, accessible to all interested UC Libraries staff.
  3. Gather and share information about the environment, opportunities, new technologies, best practices, content, and local campus developments within a defined knowledge area.
  4. Provide input and information to other UC Libraries groups as requested.
  5. Conceive and advance innovative ideas and improvements relevant to the UC Libraries’ Systemwide Plan and Priorities. Ideas for new projects should be presented to DOC for approval through the Project Proposal Template
Active Common Knowledge Group (CKGs)Public Workspace
3D Data CKG Charter [PDF]
African Studies CKG Charter [PDF]Workspace
Archival Collection Management Group CKG Charter [PDF]
Art & Architecture CKG Charter [PDF]
Born Digital Content CKG Charter [PDF]Workspace
British / U.S. History and Gender Studies CKG Charter [PDF]
Cataloging and Metadata CKG Charter [PDF]Workspace
Circulation CKG Charter [PDF]
Collection Strategies CKG Charter [PDF]Workspace
Course Reserves CKG
Digital Humanities CKG Charter [PDF]Workspace
Digital Reformatting and Preservation CKG Charter [PDF]
Digital Repository Metadata (DRMD) CKG Charter [PDF]
East Asian Studies CKG Charter [PDF]
eBook Usability CKG Charter [PDF]Workspace
Education CKG Charter [PDF]
English and American Literature CKG Charter [PDF]Workspace
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion CKG Charter [PDF]Workspace
Ethnic Studies CKG Charter [PDF] 
European History, Languages & Literature CKG Charter [PDF]
Evidence Synthesis CKG Charter [PDF]Workspace
Government Information Libraries (GILS) CKG Charter [PDF]
Heads of Special Collections CKG Charter [PDF]
Health & Life Sciences CKG Charter [PDF]
Instructional Design CKG Charter [PDF]
Interlibrary Lending CKG Charter [PDF]
Latin American Studies Charter  [PDF]
Law CKG Charter [PDF]
Maps & Geospatial Data CKG Charter [PDF]
Middle East Studies CKG Charter [PDF]Workspace
Music CKG Charter [PDF]
Open Educational Resources CKG Charter [PDF]Workspace
Performing Arts and Media Studies CKG Charter [PDF]
Physical Sciences & Engineering (PSE) CKG Charter [PDF]
Physical Preservation CKG Charter [PDF]
Preservation CKG Charter [PDF]Workspace
Public Services in Special Collections CKG Charter [PDF]
Reference CKG Charter [PDF]Workspace
Regional Library Facilities (RLF) CKG Charter [PDF]Workspace
Research Data Services (RDS) CKG Charter [PDF]Workspace
Research Methods CKG Charter [PDF]Workspace
Reserves CKG Charter [PDF]
Scholarly Communications CKG Charter [PDF]
Shared Visual Resources CKG Charter [PDF]Workspace 
Social Sciences CKG Charter [PDF] 
Special Collections Cataloging & Metadata CKG Charter [PDF]
Teaching and Learning Coordinators CKG Charter [DOCX]Workspace
UC Archivists Council CKG Charter [PDF]Workspace
Web Archiving CKG Charter [PDF]Workspace
Inactive Common Knowledge Group (CKGs)Public Workspace
Archival Collection Management Systems User Group CKG Charter [PDF]Workspace
Business & Economics (former Bibliographer Group merged with current Social Sciences CKG) 
Digitization CKG Charter [PDF] (merged with Preservation CKG) 
Library IT CKG Charter [PDF]Workspace
Linguistics (former Bibliographer Group) 
News (former Bibliographer Group) 
Philosophy and Religious Studies (former Bibliographer Group) 
Political Science (former Bibliographer Group merged with current Social Sciences CKG)Workspace 
Project Management CKG Charter [PDF]Workspace
Psychology (former Bibliographer Group merged with current Social Sciences CKG)Workspace 
Social Science Data (former Bibliographer Group merged with current Social Sciences CKG)Workspace 
Sociology & Anthropology (former Bibliographer Group merged with current Social Sciences CKG)Workspace 
Statistics CKG Charter [PDF]Workspace