NGTS Activities and Groups

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Pilot Projects

Systemwide Consortial Shelf Ready Plan

This project will serve as a pilot to investigate the potential cost savings from a consortial shelf ready contract with YBP. If sufficient cost-savings can be achieved, the project team will recommend implementation of the consortial shelf-ready plan.

If sufficient cost-savings cannot be achieved, the team will investigate opportunities for consortial shelf ready licensing of other print collections such as Chinese or other foreign language resources.

  • Kuei Chiu, Team Manager (UCR)
  • Michael Yonezawa, Project Analyst (UCR)
  • Manuel Urrizola (UCR)
  • Kit Rembert (UCR)

Cooperative Cataloging of Non-print Formats (Audio CDs)

This project will investigate the potential cost effectiveness of consolidating the cataloging of audio CDs at a single campus, and will compare the cost with those of vendors of music cataloging.

  • Martha Hruska, Team Manager (UCSD)
  • Cristela Garcia-Spitz, Project Analyst (UCSD)
  • Linda Barnhart (UCSD)
  • Jim Soe Nyun (UCSD)

Expanded UC Shared Cataloging of Electronic Resources

This project will serve as a pilot to test the effectiveness of extending the workflows employed by the Shared Cataloging Program (SCP) at UCSD to other UC campuses for selected Tier 1 or Tier 2 resources. The project will also develop mechanisms to identify common locally licensed resources and to test the application of the SCP workflows and processes to Tier 3 resources that are licensed by more than one UC campus.

  • Vicki Grahame, Team Manager (UCI)
  • Colby Riggs, Project Analyst (UCI)
  • Donal O’Sullivan (UCI)
  • Hui Shen (UCI)
  • Adolfo Tarango (UCSD)
  • Sarah Wallbank (UCI)

Project Management Working Group (PMWG)

NGTS SOPAG Power of Three Groups (SPOTs)

In developing the Next-Generation Technical Services (NGTS) implementation framework, the UC Libraries Systemwide Operations Planning and Advisory Group (SOPAG) grouped the high- and medium-priority recommendations identified by the Council of University Librarians (CoUL), and charged “Power of Three” (POT) groups to continue work on the NGTS Phase 2 recommendations. SOPAG identified additional NGTS recommendations that have broader implications and require high-level strategic thinking. SOPAG then assigned these recommendations to “SOPAG Power of Three” groups (now known as “SPOTs”), composed of SOPAG members, to track or further develop concepts, or explore issues, and to bring them back to SOPAG for additional discussion or next steps.

At the same time that SOPAG was launching the NGTS Implementation, it was announced that Next Gen Melvyl/WorldCat Local would move from “pilot” to “production” in June 2011. Recognizing that there may be intersections between NGTS and Next Gen Melvyl, SOPAG agreed to closely monitor both implementations.

SPOT 1 – Monitor Next-Generation Melvyl intersections

As assigned by the CoUL, SOPAG proposed an implementation model and memberships for a Melvyl governance and operations structure that is integrated into the CoUL advisory structure. CoUL approved the proposal Sept. 9, 2011 and the Melvyl Advisory Group was formed.

SPOT 2 – Develop a stable funding model

SOPAG members Diane Bisom (UCR), Susan Parker (UCLA), and Lucia Snowhill (UCSB) developed and submitted the following SOPAG proposal to the CoUL in April 2012:

Toward a Financial Model and Process in Support of UC Library Collaboration: Proposal and Planning for Implementation FY 2012-2013 [PDF]

SPOT 3 – Monitor national developments in Electronic Resource Management Systems (ERMS), Databases of Record, and System-wide Integrated Library Systems (ILS)

CoUL has written a charge for SPOT 3 to gather background information and assess the feasibility of implementing a shared next-generation ILS or Resource Management System (RMS), and to make a recommendation to CoUL based on this assessment. SPOT 3 work will be assigned to the new Strategic Action Group (SAG) 3 as a priority item. The expectation is that SAG 3 will launch a project team which will include members from outside the SAG.