Systemwide Library and Scholarly Information Advisory Committee October 29, 2002, 10am – 3pm UC Irvine Student Center, Crescent Bay Room (Map and Directions)
Meeting Objectives
1. Review the background for strategic planning for libraries and scholarly information in the University of California
2. Review and discuss the report of the SLASIAC Scholarly Information Task Force with special attention to:
a. Reviewing and reaffirming the vision for strategic development b. Reviewing, revising and endorsing the strategic directions recommended by the Task Force c. Considering the roles and responsibilities of campuses in the University’s system for libraries and scholarly information
3. Develop a specific plan for further development of strategic directions, including:
a. Reviewing and revising the issues for further development identified by the Task Force b. Identifying next steps and determining the roles and responsibilities of SLASIAC, its Scholarly Information Task Force and Collection Management Planning Group, and other organizations in implementing these steps.