NGTS Phase1 August 2009 – February 2010

NGTS Task Groups

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NGTS Phase 1 Reports

1 February 2010

Summary:  Issues identified in NGTS Phase One reports, next steps

The NGTS Phase One team reports are the outcomes from the environmental scans done by each of the four NGTS Resource Task Groups (teams).  Those reports identify a broad array of issues facing technical services within UC and articulate associated parameters, problems, and possibilities.  These are the issues about which we are thinking and which should be considered for framing the next phase of planning and for modeling new directions.  Choices, priorities, and action items have not yet been identified.

Discussions within the NGTS Executive Team, Steering Team, and Task Groups identified overlaps and synergies and gave focus to the issues that must be resolved first in order to move us furthest along.
The next step is for the University Librarians to review and assess the reports and recommendations and to confirm the direction we want to take in the next phase.  Priority for further analysis will be given to issues with the most potential to be operationally transformative, to provide significant cost savings, and to provide enhanced access to a greater array of information resources.

Guided by the UL assessment, the NGTS Executive Team will first charge the NGTS teams (and possibly some additional task groups) to outline proposed models for achieving the specified priorities.  Those proposals will be analyzed and vetted with the goal of developing specific actions plans that will be endorsed by the ULs.  The intention is to move rapidly through the planning process and to move to action as soon as is reasonable.  Time lines will vary among the recommendations.

R Bruce Miller

Chair, NGTS Executive Team